Susan appeared on “The Business” on RTE Radio 1 on Saturday 19th June. She to John Murray about the Transition Year initiative, where she sees good investment opportunities and the aims of
Susan Hayes appeared on the Sunday Business Show on Today FM on Sunday 25th April. She talks with the nation about how she is doing something different, instead of sitting back and expecting this recession to pass. This Cork lady is giving it a good push!!
Liste to Susan speaking with Gareth O’Callaghan on Friday 9th April at 7.30 a.m. on 4 FM. Susan tells Gareth how the module makes the stock market fun, interesting and “bodily, kinesthetic”!
Click here to listen to the Interview with Gareth O’Callaghan
Gillian on Limerick’s Live 95FM interviewed Susan on Wednesday 7th April. We talked about introducing the module into Limerick schools and how students would use their knowledge in the future.